Tales from the Ruins

Genre: Post-Apocalyptic / Sci-Fi / Horror / Adventure Anthology
Length: 237 pages / Published: February, 2023
Cover art and design by Greg Chapman

Kindle (including Kindle Unlimited) and paperback available from Amazon

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Fourteen terrifying tales of a ruined tomorrow!

Was it nuclear war, an uncontrollable pandemic, or forces beyond our reckoning? Will we even know what happened once supply lines have been cut, radio silence has kicked in, and our world has come to a grinding halt? Who will have what it takes to carry on? Who will want to?

This cataclysmic anthology casts the reader into a post-apocalyptic world where every step taken and every decision made can mean the difference between life and death. These are epic stories of a world in ruins, but they are also intimate and moving accounts. Our masterful contributors take you by the hand and show you what will be. Don't let go, whatever you do...hold on tight! You will share the characters' struggles as you navigate wastelands or hole up as best you can in the crumbling remains of supermarkets and abandoned houses. You will go hungry. Your feet will grow numb. You will fear, and you might have to fight to the death. But in the end, you will remember it is only a book, and that you can close it, knowing you are safe and sound, because we are not in a post-apocalyptic world. Not here. Not now. Not today. But what will tomorrow bring?

The Aftermath - Claire Davon
Hell Takes All Prisoners - Karen Bayly
Chasing the White Limousine - Kurt Newton
An Interlude in the English Civil War - David Turnbull
A Kissidougou Christmas - Michael Picco
The Fields - Mark Towse
Cast Upon the Water - Joseph S. Walker
Help, Scotland - Malcolm Timperley
The Deep End - Cameron Trost
End of the Line - Louise Zedda-Sampson
The Death of a Raccoon - Adam Breckenridge
Darkness at the Edge of Men - Stuart Olver
Sailors' Delight - Claire Fitzpatrick
Homecoming - L.P. Ring

"This is a fine collection of post-apocalyptic tales. The stories are dramatic and often bleak, although some offer a glimmer of hope. Each story is a slice of someone’s life where the characters play out scenarios of constant struggle, hope vs. surrender, moral decline, empathy and connection. Some die, some carry on surviving, if not thriving. The post-apocalyptic worlds are well-imagined, and there are some great characters here. I especially loved the old man in The Death of Raccoon, Tessrah in Darkness at the Edge of Men, Lydia in Sailor’s Delight. This anthology is well-worth your time, but if you like your stories sugar-coated, this may not be for you."
- Five-star Amazon review