Monday 15 January 2024

Summoning Forth the Ghost Stories

It's time for an apparition! Yes, we can now summon forth the table of contents for The Black Beacon Book of Ghost Stories, due out in time for Halloween 2024. This is going to be a big book with things that go bump on every page! The original cover art is on its way... 

Sally's in the Well - Sam Dawson
Effigy in Flagrante - Matthew R. Davis
The Spreading Rot - Leanbh Pearson
The Widow of Wood Forge - C. M. Saunders
The Ice Tigs - Rose Biggin
The Gospel of Abbott Wulfbald - Lawrence Harding
Red Dirt - Em Starr
The YĆ«rei of Old Stonybrook Lane - Michael Picco
Through a Looking Glass Darkly - Karen Keeley
Dead Angel Trail - Robert Allen Lupton
Where the Heart Is - Mike Adamson
Fiachra Conneally's Bargain - L. P. Ring
The Creeper - David Turnbull
Open Book - Cameron Trost
A Passage in Time - E. Michael Lewis

Friday 12 January 2024

Let's Walk the Plank Together in 2024!

Our timbers are thoroughly shivered here at Black Beacon Books! We're thrilled to announce the table of contents and the publication date for our next anthology, The Black Beacon Book of Pirate Tales! 

A huge thank you to all the authors who submitted their work for consideration. For such a niche theme, the response was fantastic, and we're honoured to have brought together so much talent for yet another gripping anthology. Congratulations to the authors who made the grade and a big thank you again to Daniele Serra for the spectacular cover art. 

Are you ready to walk the plank? 

When: Friday the 21st of June

Who: Check it out! 

The Mutineer - Lawrence Dagstine
The End of All Tides - Paulene Turner
Poll Pirate - Michael Fountain
The Ghost - S. B. Watson 
And the Sea - Jack Wells
Dungeon Rock - Edward Lodi
The Avery Dog Has His Day - Rose Biggin
The Curse of the Emerald Eye - Cameron Trost
Les Femmes Sauvages - Karen Bayly
Sting of the Schorpioen - D. J. Tyrer
Beholden to No One - Karen Keeley

Tuesday 2 January 2024

Fortitude and Courage: Double Cover Reveal

Adventure time! All aboard! We're thoroughly delighted to unveil Malgorzata Mika's cover art for our first releases in 2024, two action-packed steampunk romps by Karen Bayly. These books are for all the readers who love airships, steampunk science, fantastic adventure, and an unforgettable and intrepid heroine - Artemis Devereaux! That means ALL readers, right? Out February the 13th. 

Find Karen on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Find Malgorzata on Twitter and Instagram

Monday 1 January 2024

A Mysterious Year: Anthology Submissions

Welcome to 2024! Black Beacon Books has another big year planned in terms of publications and submissions windows. First up, let's announce two anthologies that will be open for submissions. This year, we're getting more mysterious than ever! 

Steampunk Sleuths

Deadline: October 31st, 2024

The genre of mystery is designed to get the cogs cranking, but let's not forget that steampunk is all about cogs too! Why not bring them together? Steampunk Sleuths will be an anthology of four novelettes (15 - 20,000 words) featuring detectives in a steampunk setting solving peculiar crimes. The only requirements for submission will be that the means of committing the crime (murder, theft, kidnapping...) must be clearly steampunk and the reader must be given the tools to crack the case before the solution is revealed. Think Agatha Christie and Jules Verne getting kinky together... um, actually, please don't. ;) 

* Previously unpublished only

* Double the standard rate for this one: $50 USD

The Third Black Beacon Book of Mystery

Deadline: Extended Deadline September 30th, 2024


You've all read the first two volumes, right? The idea of this anthology series is to make each volume more gripping, more memorable, and more mysterious than the last. We're looking for short stories with an unforgettable protagonist and a clever puzzle to solve. Standard anthology conditions apply as per the Submissions Page

Please read and follow our guidelines on the submissions page.