Monday 19 June 2023

Black Beacon Books: Goodreads

Black Beacon Books is an independent publishing house. What does this mean? Well, many things...for example, that we're free to make our own way and publish what we truly believe in. It also means we have a tight budget, and we can't afford to pay for costly advertising; and to be honest, that doesn't fit with what we represent anyway. We want to keep it real. We want our readers to promote us. We want you to tell the world about us. Will you? Once you've finished that Black Beacon Books title you're currently reading, go and leave a rating and review wherever you can. There are links to the Amazon and Goodreads pages for each book right here on the website. You can even follow us on our Goodreads page. Go ahead and do that right now, please, then get back to reading that book of ours! Thank you, dear reader.