Wednesday 19 June 2024

Pirate Anthology: Karen Keeley

The Black Beacon Book of Pirates is sure to shiver your timbers when it's published on Friday the 21st of June. The Kindle version is already available for pre-order at just $1.99 instead of $3.99 and you can add the anthology to your Goodreads "want to read" list today. In the meantime, to get you in the mood for a spot of swashbuckling, we’re interviewing the contributing authors.

Hi Karen,

Why pirates?

Yo-ho, me hearties and a bottle of rum! Along with adventure on the high seas and buried treasure, who doesn’t love pirate tales? When I saw the cover reveal for Pirate Tales, my first thought was, I really really want to be in this book, the cover is magical and captivating! Feeling very privileged to have made the grade, thank you!

Are there any pirate legends set where you live?

Not that I’m aware of. I am more than twelve-hundred kilometers from the ocean so if there were pirate legends to be had, I wouldn’t think they’d be anywhere near me.

If you were a pirate, what’s the first thing you’d do?

I’d get me one swanky looking outfit with all the bells ‘n whistles—the white shirt, silk ‘n satin vest and leather britches (purple, my favourite colour), the knee-high boots, and a glorious pirate hat in addition to the cutlass and the flintlock pistols. Maybe a calico cat to keep me company.

Have you ever found treasure?

Just in books when I read amazing and wonderful stories.

What do you do when you’re not dreaming up tall tales?

I spend a lot of time carousing around in my imagination, listening to my imaginary friends. I say this with a smile. ~wink, wink~ Having made it to retirement, it’s wonderful to simply do whatever I want, whenever I want. I also make photobooks, gathering photos from special events like holiday travels, etc., time spent with family and friends, my own treasured memories captured in a picture book. I love the outdoors, getting back to nature. Whenever I am able to do so, I immerse myself in the ahhhhhhh moment. It’s just so flippin’ lovely to be out there, in a forest, in the mountains, somewhere near a river or a creek, soaking it all in. For me, it kind of reenergizes the ol’ batteries. If I’m really lucky and make it to the ocean, I love the sound of the seabirds overhead, the scent of the salty brine, the seaweed and barnacles.

Where can we find you online?

I have something of a quasi-website:

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