Friday, 14 March 2025

A Mysterious Interview with Edward Lodi

The Third Black Beacon Book of Mystery will be released on the 18th of April (but the Kindle version is available for pre-order today at just $0.99 instead of $3.99) and to celebrate this new volume of detective mysteries guaranteed to put your little grey cells to work, we’re interviewing the contributing authors. Do you dare peer into their devious minds, where criminal masterminds battle brilliant sleuths, private eyes, and police detectives? Settle down in your favourite armchair and get ready to pit your wits against the finest voices penning mystery puzzles today!

Hi Edward,

It’s always tricky interviewing a mystery writer about a particular story because we don’t want to give anything away, but can you tell us (carefully) where the idea for your story came from? 

Oddly enough, I stumbled upon the idea for “Death Goes Gourmet” while researching for another story: “Lurking in the Shadows” (included in The Second Black Beacon Book of Mystery). The information garnered augmented what I already knew about the flora and fauna of southeastern Massachusetts, the setting for my story.

There are several sub-genres of mystery fiction, but the stories in this anthology are traditional fair-play mysteries in which the reader can try to solve the puzzle before all is revealed. What makes this kind of mystery so timeless? 

Readers of mystery fiction have curious minds. We enjoy being presented with a difficult problem and attempting to work out the solution for ourselves (the reason why mysteries with obvious solutions are no fun to read). We also enjoy the challenge of discovering the truth before the fictional detective does.

Do you have a favourite fictional detective?

I’ll go with the obvious: Sherlock Holmes. I never tire of re-reading the novels and short stories. Believing that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I’ve written a half dozen Holmes pastiches.

Is this the first mystery your protagonist has solved? 

No. Lena Lombardi has already appeared in six Cranberry Country Mystery novels (beginning with Marmalade and Murder) and one short story (the aforementioned “Lurking in the Shadows”).

If you were a detective, private investigator, or amateur sleuth, what would be your trademark quirk?

Well, I guess I’d be a little like Lena, poking my nose into other people’s crimes, while in my spare time indulging in fine wines.

Do you have a writing routine or particular requirements for a writing session?

Being inherently lazy, I have to prod myself into actually sitting down and getting to work. So, no routine.

What are you working on now?

I’m toying with ideas for a horror story and a “locked room” mystery.

Where can we find you online?

You can find me at

Thanks for playing along!

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