It's time for an apparition! Yes, we can now summon forth the table of contents for The Black Beacon Book of Ghost Stories, due out in time for Halloween 2024. This is going to be a big book with things that go bump on every page! The original cover art is on its way...
Effigy in Flagrante - Matthew R. Davis
The Widow of Wood Forge - C. M. Saunders
The Ice Tigs - Rose Biggin
The Gospel of Abbott Wulfbald - Lawrence Harding
Red Dirt - Em Starr
The Yūrei of Old Stonybrook Lane - Michael Picco
Through a Looking Glass Darkly - Karen Keeley
Dead Angel Trail - Robert Allen Lupton
Where the Heart Is - Mike Adamson
Fiachra Conneally's Bargain - L. P. Ring
The Creeper - David Turnbull
Open Book - Cameron Trost
A Passage in Time - E. Michael Lewis